MOLYKEM CHEMICAL CORP. is one of the renowned names involved in Taiwan manufacturer, supplier and exporter a comprehensive range of Sewage Water Treatment which has high quality and unique formula. In order to assure the quality of our range, we manufacture this utilizing high grade material, which we procure from certified vendors. Our products are precisely designed with utmost care by our magnificent team in order to meet the international quality standard and they are perfect to use in various places. Our range is available in bulk quantities and at most competitive pricing.
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Sewage Water Treatment
Steel Factory Wastewater Filtration Before Effluent
Capacity: 50m³/h (25m³/hr x 2 sets)
Fast flowrate
High Filtration Accuracy
Low Backwashing Water
Removal suspended solids (SS), namely oil.
Fully PLC Controlled thus save manpower.
Space saving and operating cost.
Skid mounted with factory piped and wired ~ simply connect inlet, drain piping and input power.
Raw water quality (Before): S.S. ≦ 30 ppm
Effluent water quality (After): S.S. < 10 ppm
Capacity: 50m³/h (25m³/hr x 2 sets)
Fast flowrate
High Filtration Accuracy
Low Backwashing Water
Removal suspended solids (SS), namely oil.
Fully PLC Controlled thus save manpower.
Space saving and operating cost.
Skid mounted with factory piped and wired ~ simply connect inlet, drain piping and input power.
Raw water quality (Before): S.S. ≦ 30 ppm
Effluent water quality (After): S.S. < 10 ppm
Products List
Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment
Sewage Treatment
- : Sewage Water Treatment
Power Plant Wastewater
Hot Spring Filters